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Italienischer Zoll konfisziert gefälschte Habanos im Wert von 1 Million Euro

#MÄRKTE #ZIGARREN 16. April 2012

Habanos S.A. hat über einen spektakulären Fund von gefälschten kubanischen Zigarren am Flughafen-Zoll in Rom infomiert («The Finance Guard (Guardia di Finanza) seized a cargo of more than one ton of counterfeit cigars at the Fiumicino airport of Rome»):

The cargo was hidden in cardboard boxes that officially contained eggs, but the police officers of the Guardia di Finanza di Fiumicino not convinced by this appearance, decided to inspect thoroughly the cargo, determining that it contained cigars of the most relevant trademarks (Cohiba, Montecristo and Romeo y Julieta), most of them without the brands or with stealing of the identifying seals of the consignment. The two consignments, containing a total of 63 boxes with an approximate weight of more than one ton, once introduced into the market would reach a commercial value of more than one million euros. Based on the data reports on the packaging and the cigar, and with the collaboration and technical assessment of authorized consultants and technicians, the goods has been seized. Investigations are still ongoing to certify the quality of the tobacco leaf used for making this cigars in order to verify the possible harmfulness for the health of the consumers.
Diese Geschichte zeigt: Habanos-Fälschungen sind eine Tatsache, und sie sind im grossen Stil im Umlauf. Wer sicher gehen will, dass er Originale kauft, bezieht seine Zigarren über Händler, die von den offiziellen Habanos-Importeuren beliefert werden. In der Schweiz ist das die Intertabak AG, in Deutschland die 5th Avenue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjl_dkcPM1E

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