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The Donut Cigar Project

#ZIGARREN 1. April 2014

donutnew Alec Bradley präsentiert heute ein revolutionäres Projekt: Die Donut Zigarre. Seit 1996 verfolge Alec Bradley eine Mission, schreibt der Hersteller auf seiner Website: die Herstellung der perfekten Zigarre. Man habe #1-Ratings erzielt und Zigarren ins Weltall spediert. Doch das Donut Cigar Project würde alles verändern.

We’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. At Alec Bradley our mission has always been to create the perfect cigar. We continually test countless blends and experiment with new sizes to create cigars that truly make an impact. Today we are proud to announce a new project named the «Donut Cigar Project».
Die neuartige, kreisrunde Form eröffne neue Aging-Möglichkeiten, schreibt Alec Bradley weiter:
By completely enclosing the cigar within itself, new flavors naturally «rise» out of the tobacco. These new flavors typically exhibit characteristics of dark chocolate and vanilla notes. When we looked at the shape of this new cigar and considered the new flavor profile it became very obvious to us what we should name this amazing creation.. the Donut.

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